Friday, May 19, 2006

Mystery Disease On The Border

A new disease has surfaced on the border. Described by some as something out of a horror film, mainstream medicine has yet to classify it, and some doctors refuse to admit it even exists!

Dubbed Morgellons Disease after a similar infection that was documented 300 years ago is spreading throughout the southern areas in Texas. The disease is not fatal, but is incurable. Physicians that have studied it do not know how it is spread; if it is contracted from environmental factors, or passed by human contact. There is also no effective treatment for the disease, which causes skin lesions that do not heal, a crawling feeling on the surface of the skin, fatigue, cognitive difficulties, and fibers popping out of the skin. These fibers cause extreme pain.

The Morgellons website states: "[The fibers] are generally described by patients as white, but clinicians also report seeing blue, green, red, and black fibers, that fluoresce when viewed under ultraviolet light (Wood's lamp)."

This is a fiber removed from the facial lesion of a three-year-old boy.

Some doctors are treating Morgellons with massive doses of antibiotics and pain medication. Other doctors say that the symptoms are psychosomatic.

"They (doctors) told me I was just doing this to myself, that I was nuts. So basically I stopped going to doctors because I was afraid they were going to lock me up," said sufferer Stephanie Bailey.

I doubt that the disease is psychosomatic, considering that it affects children as young as two and three years old. I can't even get my two year old to go potty, let alone will himself to have a painful, unhealing skin lesion.

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