Sunday, October 3, 2010

We've seen for years now how rabid the environmentalists are, valuing trees, bugs and fish more than actual people.

Hell, Osama bin Laden even endorses the fraud of global warming.

It now seems that the left, not to be undone by a person who blows up people, even children who will not go along with their extremist ideology, have released a video depicting children who doubt carbon footprints and such being blown up.

Warning: This video really is disgusting.

The video caused so much outrage  that the people behind 10:10 pulled it. However, we bloggers aren't letting this go; it is the perfect demonstration of the disorder in the leftist environmentalists minds.


Chuck said...

It'[s incredible that it is the right that is constantly under assault for being mean-spirited, uncaring, racist, (insert your favorite derogatory term here).

I have said it before, if the damned media would actually report what was going on on the left they would become the fringe group they really are overnight. People would abandon them in droves.

WomanHonorThyself said...

does it get more twisted than this!

Brooke said...

Chuck, I couldn't agree more. I think the average person doesn't want to go out of their way to harm the Earth, so carrying a reusable shopping bag makes them feel good; like they're doing something.

I don't think most people are cool with this sort of thing. You're right, if the msm reported on stuff like this the average person would be RUNNING from the leftists.

Angel: Sadly, it probably does.

Jeffrey L Watts said...

From 10:10 website: "...we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh."

Epic Fail.

Z said...

I'm debating using's so gross that I might not but you are SO RIGHT IN SHOWING IT and..well, I guess I should. If you don't mind.

The fact that the MSM didn't cover this morning, noon and night is almost even incredible to ME, the biggest hater of the msm on the planet :-) Ya, I"m publishing this..decision made.

I honestly thought this was a parody on the nutty left.......didn't you?

Z said...

darn...I can't get it at YouTube and there isn't a blog title here that I can click on and get the website address to feature this ...

cube said...

Z: The video has been pulled by our 'friends' at the 10-10 organization. They were merely being funny and had no idea that it would offend so many people.

You can still see the video on The Schnitt Show and refer your readers to the site.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

This is how you make fascism funny

Anonymous said...

People may castigate Glenn Beck as they wish; we do live in a free country (for now) ... but that doesn't change the facts. And Beck has his facts correct: Obama is a communist, he aligns himself with communists, he is funded by a communist, and if WE THE PEOPLE do not do something about this, our country will be 100% communist because the GOP isn't smart enough, or honest enough, to call it the way it is ... the way Beck calls it.

I don't know who posted the Donald Duck video, but I suspect that inserting GB excerpts result in substantial copyright violations.

Joe Conservative said...

HA, ha!

It's funny because...

it's funny because...

It's sorta funna because...

Okay, it's just sick!

Brooke said...

It appears the video still works.

Beamish: Classic Conan, eh? LOL!

I'm going to have to check out his new show.

Alligator said...

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (or puts into print or into audio-visual)

Therefore one can conclude the American Left is about violence and death towards those who disagree with their tenets. This is what they REALLY want to happen to all those who will not bow at their sacred altars. I remember the "peace" marchers in the 60s and 70s. In public they talked in flowery love language, in private they were hateful and violent.

Ira Einhorn anyone?