Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bowing to China

Can't Obama just stop this? 


USA_Admiral said...

NO. You have to have a spine. It was not included on this model of worm.

cube said...

Yet another sickening display from BO. I have yet to see him do ONE thing that I would grudgingly admit was OK by me. He is so far off the scale, that I doubt that I ever will.

Brooke said...

USA: I believe Obama has the spine of a snake. Crooked.

Cube: I doubt such a thing as well. It's as if every move is calculated to do the most damage possible to this country.

LomaAlta said...

Notice that none of these people bow back?
Also notice at his disarm the USA conference he hugs the socialists and communists and shakes his finger at our Canadian ally?

Krystal said...

How many times must I tell you people?!

He is NOT BOWING! Birds keep crapping on his shoes!


Brooke said...

LA: YES!!!!! None of them return the prostration!

Krystal: Ha!