Sunday, November 14, 2010

Condell Nails it Again!


Always On Watch said...

We need Pat Condell speaking on every news broadcast all over the West.

Brooke said...

Agreed! And often, at that!

WomanHonorThyself said...

brilliant Brooke..but so scarey eh! Hope ya had a fabulous weekend my friend~!

Z said...

I'm not as optimistic as Pat is, but I can hope! I know that in Germany people are finally waking up..slowly and not too effectively yet; my stepdaughter says muslims go on TV and tell Germans they need to start packing, that this will be THEIR COUNTRY very soon and that they hate them (they who give billions of welfare to the muslims, by the way). As my stepdaughter says "wait till it's THEIR COUNTRY, they won't want it quite as badly.."
But, still, because Germany has the taint of WWII, there are those who decry every objection to islam as "the coming of the Fourth Reich"....
In France, Le Penn, a far right nationalist, has been badly maligned by the media as a racist when (tho he does tend to sound that way, or has in the past) all that he did was to try to call to France's attention to the growing muslim problem...
etc etc.
it's a problem not quite as easily solved as Condell believes, but I'm on his side and HOPING LIKE HELL he's right! :-)

And YES, I REALLY wish Condell would be aired ANYWHERE on TV..and as much as possible!!

Steve Harkonnen said...

Condell for common-sense president!!

cube said...

We had some computer problems and haven't gotten out the bugs yet. Right now, my old computer will play videos, but without sound, and the new computer has sound, but doesn't bring up videos. Not even the ones on my blog! I love/hate computers.

cube said...

I finally figured out what the problem was... the operating system I was using didn't have adobe flash player.

Anyway, I was finally able to open the video and what a video it is. It should be disseminated throughout the USA because the same thing will happen to us if we continue on our present course.