Monday, November 13, 2006

Slavery in America?

Can we please, please secure our borders?

From the above link:

At the age of 13, they say, she was smuggled into the U.S. from Oaxaca, Mexico, the first leg of a horrific journey that led her to a Harding Place area apartment. There she was beaten, raped and forced into a life of prostitution — an ordeal requiring her to have sex with as many as 40 men a day.

Investigators will be as aggressive as possible to stop the trafficking, Jordon said.

"It's very new for us to have on our radar in Tennessee, but" sex trafficking is "not a new thing," said Amber Beckham, coordinator for World Relief's Network of Emergency Trafficking Services.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I see this as slavery on American land! Why will we not do what it takes to stop this atrocity? Even forgetting the imminent threat posed economically, socially and ilieuue of security, THIS is reason enough to build a fence along the border, and make such harsh, draconian punishments against employers that dare to hire illegals that they dare not come here.

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