Thursday, July 24, 2008

Heil to the Cheif

Remember the arrogance Obama showed with the redesigned Presidential Seal?

Apparently Obama has promoted himself again. That pesky little voting thing is just a formality for the messiah, after all, and both he and his staff knows it. 

Of course, once Obama has inevitably taken the office of the presidency, he'll be there from eight to ten years.

Either Obama is a complete moron, or he doesn't care one whit for what the People have to say, how we'll vote, or the 22nd Amendment. 

The messiah will do whatever he damn well pleases.

From this source, all emphasis mine:

AMMAN, Jordan – Democrat Barack Obama’s entire traveling campaign apparatus is in place. He will speak Thursday at an historic site in Berlin that could draw tens of thousands of spectators. And chief campaign strategist David Axelrod might even assemble film crews to gather footage of it, possibly for a TV commercial...

At a morning background briefing, reporters parried with senior advisers on the characterization of Obama’s speech Thursday in Berlin as a campaign rally. The outdoor speech at the Victory Column could draw thousands of people, similar to the size of Obama events in the United States.

“It is not going to be a political speech,” said a senior foreign policy adviser, who spoke to reporters on background. “When the president of the United States goes and gives a speech, it is not a political speech or a political rally.

“But he is not president of the United States,” a reporter reminded the adviser.

“He is going to talk about the issues as an individual … not as a candidate, but as an individual, as a senator,” the adviser added...Aides suggested the speech would not target Republican John McCain, but might draw contrasts with President Bush’s policies...

The arrogance is astounding!!! 

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