Tuesday, April 1, 2008

More Hillary Memories.

During a speech in Philadelphia (where her PA numbers are slipping), Hillary Clinton has likened herself to Rocky Balboa.

From this source

Recalling a famous scene on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art from the 1976 Oscar-winning film "Rocky," Clinton said that ending her presidential campaign now would be as if "Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum steps and said, 'Well, I guess that's about far enough.'"

"Let me tell you something, when it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give up. And neither do the American people," Clinton said in excerpts of prepared remarks to be given Tuesday to a meeting of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO.

Psst... Hillary... Rocky is fictional, honey. Just like your Presidency.

Oh, honestly. Who knows? She probably "remembers" herself as literally Rocky during the 70's. It must be better than remembering her husband philandering everywhere and the bad fashion

Another bit of history from the mind of Hillary: 

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