Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pelosi: Taxing YOU To Send Illegals To College

You're a hard-working American... Does your natural American child get one red cent of "help" from the government for college, or do you work you posterior off to pay for it, take student loans, etc.?

Well, now Nanci Pelosi needs you to work even harder... Mexican children need college, too, and you're gonna pay for it, brother.

From the East Valley, all emphasis and red type mine:

Illegal immigrant students brought to this country as children deserve a path to citizenship and affordable higher education, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said during a visit to Arizona State University on Monday.

That's right, they deserve it. Does you or your child deserve it, or do you have to work your butt off to get it?

Pelosi, a California Democrat, joined three of Arizona’s Democrat congressmen — Reps. Ed Pastor, Harry Mitchell and Raul Grijalva — to rally support for efforts to increase federal financial aid.

The topic, however, turned toward the border. Pelosi pledged to move legislation that would improve citizenship and education opportunities for illegal immigrant students.

“This March, you will have an immigration reform act that will include the Dream Act,” Pastor said.

The legislation would allow illegal immigrants who graduate from high school in the U.S., have lived here for five years and arrived prior to turning 15, to attend college for in-state tuition.

Once enrolled, those students would be given six years of legal residence during which they must complete two years worth of college credit or military service to earn citizenship.

Dumbfounded? Flabbergasted? I know I am! Sure, a kid cannot control what his parents did or where they took him as a child. That doesn't make him any less illegal!!! You want to point the finger at someone for being heartless and irresponsible? Point it at the lawbreaking ILLEGAL parent who brought them here as they're being deported!

The act, first introduced in 2003, has lacked the support needed to pass both chambers of Congress.

If signed into law, it would effectively reverse Proposition 300, which Arizona voters approved last year. The proposition requires public colleges and universities to charge illegal immigrants out-of-state tuition, which at ASU is about triple the cost of in-state tuition.

Never mind the fact that Prop. 300 still allows illegals to attend American colleges, no matter how expensive it is. SCREW YOU, voters!!! You vote something into law that the imperial government doesn't like, and we'll just legislate it away. After all, we know best.

The Democrats’ immigration reform package would be comprehensive and focus on border security and creation of a guest-worker program, Pelosi said.

Riiiiight. I'm holding my breath for that. Can I get a fence with that, maybe? HA!

As part of their platform for retaking Capitol Hill in the fall, Pelosi and her fellow Democrats argued that a college education should be affordable for all Americans.

You mean illegal non-Americans.

“No more will you see legislation that comes to the floor that says we’re going to cut student assistance to give a tax cut to the wealthiest in the country,” Pelosi said.

Huh? That doesn't even make sense! I guess we're just supposed to blindly swallow that tried-and-true Democratic catchphrase about "tax cuts to the wealthiest."

In recent years, funding for federal financial aid has largely remained flat.

Last month, Congress voted for measures to halve the interest rate on federal loans to 3.4 percent and to boost the maximum Pell grant by $260.

In Arizona, the average student debt is just more than $17,000, according to the Arizona Board of Regents. And for the first time, a majority of students at the state’s public universities graduate with debt.

The next question for the Democrats becomes how to pay for their largess.

The above measures alone would cost tens of billions of dollars, according to various estimates.

Be sure to put in a little highly taxable overtime, chumps.

In his 2008 budget proposal, President Bush proposes to increase Pell grants, provided to students based on family income, by cutting other financial aid programs.

Democrats have derided the proposal as “robbing Peter to pay Pell,” as Pastor put it Monday. Administration officials argue that the budget shifts money from inefficient programs to Pell, which is deemed highly effective.

Asked how she intends to pay to improve access to higher education, Pelosi said increasing the federal deficit is not an option.

“I wouldn’t start with ...rolling back tax cuts,” Pelosi said, “but that may be necessary.”

Get ready to feel the pain, stupid taxpayers. I'll bet you wish you were illegal right about now, huh?

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