Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Tolerate The Intolerant, Infidel!

This post to remain at the top for a couple of days.

Hat tip to Kevin at The Amboy Times for this amazing video clip.

British Mullah Anjum Chaudri condones the killing of non-Muslims because "When we say innocent people, we mean Muslims.... As far as Muslims are concerned, you are innocent if you are a Muslim.... I must have hatred for everything that is non-Muslim."

He goes on to assert that "As far as Muslims are concerned, their allegiance is always with the Muslims, so I would never condemn a Muslim for what he does."

Chaudri then follows up by saying that the entire world is a legitimate target for terror attacks
because it is Dar-al-Harb.

We cannot tolerate the intolerant, ladies and gentlemen.

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