Thursday, December 14, 2006

Speaking Out Against CAIR: Muslims!

As you've no doubt heard by now, American Muslims have been encouraged to file lawsuits against airlines if they feel discriminated against on the journey to Mecca this year.

They've even established a hotline to call if you are a victim of "flying while Muslim!" (The number is 1-800-784-7526. Do with it what you will...)

This pitifully transparent political move has drawn anger from pilots and air marshals, who call the move an attempt to intimidate passengers and crew from reporting suspicious behavior from Muslim passengers, and say it will start a cascade of lawsuits.

After all, you only have to feel discriminated against.

Debra Burlingame, sister of one the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 calls the push by CAIR a ploy to extort money from the airline industry.

"I think CAIR is soliciting complaints, and if they don't get it, they will make it up," said Ms. Burlingame.

CAIR knows that the poorer Muslims can't afford to make an overseas journey to Mecca. It is logical to assume that only the more well-to-do Muslims will be going, and since they don't need monetary remuneration, guess who'll be raking in the donations... That is, if members of CAIR just don't outright file the lawsuits themselves to start with.

This time, however, CAIR hasn't just hacked off the average Joe... Dr. M.Zuhdi Jasser, the chairman of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (Gee, MSM, we haven't heard of these guys, have we?) said the statements from CAIR "continues the tired stoking of the flames of victimization."

"They are unfortunately exploiting, for purely political reasons, what should be a sacred and purely spiritual story of our faith's annual holy pilgrimage to Mecca."

"We need new leadership and organizations which use their passions and the bandwidth of the media to lead the ideological fight against radical and political Islam rather than this tired pre-emption of supposed discrimination."

YES! Y-E-S!!!

Why, oh why, can we not hear from more Muslims like Dr. Jasser?

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