Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The New Peanut.


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Both of you, if you don't like it, leave!

Alligator said...

Obama is Carter on steroids. I've heard a few other comparisons besides these.

This illustrates the consensus held by liberal Democrats.

Always On Watch said...

Spot on, isn't it?

May we reach the 1980 tipping point and get Obama the hell out of office.

Chuck said...

You guys are way off, he's much more Carter than Carter is.

Jeffrey L Watts said...

Sadly, many voters of today, have no idea how bad Carter they don't get the reference.

Brooke said...

Odie: I wish they would.

Gator, Chuck: Obama is way worse.

AOW: I hope people get to the point that they just can't take any more. I know I'm there.

Jeff: I was born as Carter was leaving, so I only know from history class how terrible a leader Carter was. My parents and grandparents sure remember, though!

Sadly, most people my age and under don't learn their history, and are identity voters.

cube said...

Carter was bad, but Obama is worse.