Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Can you believe the arrogance of this man?

I know he's one egotistic SOB, but just when I think he can't get any more ridiculous, Obama takes it to a new level.

Watch this. I'm amazing:

First of all, this was all clearly fictitious. Secondly, did you see his face when everyone was laughing at the tee shirt line? He wasn't joking. 

Finally, It's all about me, me, me.

What an utter buffoon!


Anonymous said...

This is so disgusting, words escape me. Not surprised, really, but thoroughly disgusting.

Mustang out

~Leslie said...

How much lower can this man stoop for his own gain? Not much...

This is truly repulsive...


Anonymous said...

I think there's a lesson in this that we should all take away, and that lesson is this.

Don't waste your time volunteering for some stupid politician's campaign, falling for his "spinning lures" of getting you something for nothing.

Instead, get yourself a real job and buy all those needed things for yourself. You can never go wrong once you've learn to rely upon yourself, and not upon the false promises of every Tom, Dick and ObamMessiah that passes by on the political scene.

This woman chose the "easy way" and paid the ultimate price for her error. That Obama should "honor" her foolish choice shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. But to crave a "fool's" post-mortem recognition must be the most pathetic and insipid character fault imaginable.... regardless of that fool's present social standing.

It's fitting she's to be buried in an Obama t'shirt. When they exhume her body a hundred years from now, the archeologists will be able to attribute the real "cause" of her premature death to it's appropriate source.

Brooke said...

Mustang: It really is.

Leslie: Thanks for the visit, and I predict that each day will bring a new low.

FJ: I agree. Being buried in an Obama tee shirt is very fitting, indeed.

USA_Admiral said...

There is no bottom level for how low Obama can go.

Z said...

You half expected him to say "....she knew the generation following her would NEED ME", didn't you?

Can somebody tell me if you think they have the teleprompters up real high so he has to have his chin in the air and look way down (I'd say 'at us' but he never faces US in the camera, just looks left and right, God forbid he gets lost in his speech) OR is it REALLY the utter conceit it LOOKS LIKE? Man, it's just unbelievable...It's so awful I keep giving the dope the benefit of the doubt but I think it's his ego, I really do.
The man's bought into THE FAME, the ATTENTION, the POWER OF THE OFFICE and I'm sure we've never had a president this full of himself...
Have you seen the pic of him sitting at the Oval Office desk with his feet on the desk? ticks me SO off.

Brooke said...

USA: Give him a few minutes. Obama will come up with a new low!

Z: I SURE did!

I think he reads down his nose at the teleprompter, and yes, I think it is utter conceit.

Yes, that pic of Obama with his feet on the Oval Office desk pisses me off; it shows the utter lack of respect for the People's house and the other presidents who have sat there.

Of course, it isn't nearly as bad as what Clinton did there...

EDGE said...

Oh man! If BUSH HAD SAID THIS....????

EDGE said...

Had to steal this one Brooke.

Brooke said...

I know. The outrage would never, ever stop.

Steal away!

Krystal said...

What an ass...

Borepatch said...

Classy how he's happy to use her as a ventriloquist's dummy.

And you're right - he was not expecting that to be a laughter line.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's one grave I won't be robbing. Now if she'd been buried with a brace of ivory handled Navy Colts.......

WomanHonorThyself said...

talk about narcissism eh!!!!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Knowing St. Louis and Democrats here, I wouldn't be surprised if the story was actually true.

There's window licking moron dumb, and then there's St. Louis Democrat.

LomaAlta said...

Obama is a foolishm dull, and uneducated man. Everything has been given to him, he has never worked.
We now can truly see how evil affirmative action is to give an undeserving person so much while denying it to those more capable.

No way to run a roalroad or a country.

Chuck said...

The comments about him here as to how low can he go are interesting. While reading them I can only imagine him stepping on the woman to get himself ahead.

Brooke said...

Krystal: That's for certain!

Borepatch: After I picked my jaw up, I laughed at the petulance and anger on his face!

Hermit: I might consider that, too...

Angel: Obama is the very definition of it!

Beamish: They'd be in a tough competition of stupidity with Cincinnati entitlement libs.

LA: You are so very right. Unqualified, and only in office because of the color of his skin. If he were white there would be hell to pay!

Chuck: You are correct. He would stand on her rotting corpse to get ahead.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


St. Louis has two political parties, that are sometimes violently opposed to each other:

White Democrats and black Democrats.

It never occurs to the white Democrats that they lost the Civil War, and it never occurs to the black Democrats that they're not dependent slaves.

That's St. Louis Democrats. Everything in color, nothing in content.

cube said...

BO acted like it's the most normal thing in the world to be buried in an Obama t-shirt. Do you suppose Che Guevara felt like that too?

Z said...

Your blog looks great!!
oh. except for that pic down below I just noticed (eeeeooooo!) (was she a plumber before she turned into a ..sitter?)!!