Wednesday, January 31, 2007

UK Terror Plot Foiled

England is the newest battlefront with Islamofacism. Since the bus bomb in in July of 2005, MI5 thwarted a plot to smuggle explosives onto an airplane in a baby bottle, terror is being freely preached from the mosques, Muslim women are being more and more treated as if they live in a Sharia ruled country, and those with ties to terror/radical groups are telling us how moderate they are. Really.

Now, Muslims who dare to serve their country are being targeted for extermination along with the kuffar. The message: Get in line with the Ummah or die!

Police in Birmingham arrested eight people, foiling a plot in the latter stages of planning to kidnap a British Muslim soldier on British soil, murder him by beheading, and air the video they would take of their vile act on the Internet.

From al-Reuters:

"It certainly seems to confirm Britain is particularly vulnerable to al Qaeda-style attacks because of the historic links to Pakistan and the Pakistani community here," said Shane Brighton, a terrorism expert at London think-tank Chatham House.

"The suggestion is that there is a higher level of risk in the UK from those Pakistani-linked groups that there is elsewhere in Europe. We may well be on the forefront of this."

You already are. France is up to it's eyeballs, European countries like Germany won't fight anyway, and England is next.

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