Monday, May 14, 2012

Chicago Style

I realize that the 'Reverend' G-D-America Jerimiah Wright is nuttier than squirrel poop, but we also know Obama is an accomplished liar...

So, did Obama offer Wright $150 grand of hush money to keep quiet until after the election?



Woodsterman (Odie) said...

It's the Chicago way.

Krystal said...

Certainly that doesn't surprise you in any way.

Alligator said...

Two peas in a pod. Only the willfully blind can't see it. And if he wins in November, for starters I predict websites and blogs like this will be shut down within six months of inauguration.

Brooke said...

Odie: It sure is! And Obama is a don!

Krystal: Not at all.

Gator: Most likely. Obama has laid the groundwork to start 'policing' those who disagree with him.