Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Right WIng Extremists


Z said...

Brooke, if this cartoon doesn't say it all. Wouldn't they be rolling in their graves? Or should I say "they ARE rolling over in their graves"

FJ....what? :-)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I took the blog title as a "summons".

If you have to explain it.... *shakes head* ;)

Brooke said...

FJ: You don't have to explain it!

Z: They are spinning like lathes.

Always On Watch said...

That graphic is a great find!

You'll want to check out the two graphics I have today (August 4), especially the second one, which was custom-made for me by Stogie.

Alligator said...

Hey! Just yesterday Obama told his followers "we've made great strides and we're not even halfway there yet." If I told everyone that I was taking them on a trip down the interstate (rising economy, falling unemployment, stable dollar)and then started driving down a bumpy old farm road (falling economy, rising unemployment, shaky dollar) I don't think I'd be telling my passengers "we've made great strides and we're not even halfway there yet." And those fools applauded him.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The good news is that we are over halfway-there to the end of the Obama presidency. It'll be up to Republicans, though, to create a regulatory and tax environment conducive to an actual economic "recovery". History will label the Obama presidency as the 2nd Great Depression's "lost 4 years".

Brooke said...

AOW: Done!

Gator: It astounds me with the ease with which this administration lies.

It's like they're telling us the grass is blue and the sky is green and just because they say it, we should believe it and be happy.

FJ: I fear that, because of blind, sound byte voters out to re-elect their 'historic' first black president history will tell the story of "the lost eight years."

cube said...

Great comic. It does say it all.

It really irks me that we didn't just fall into the rabbit hole, a majority of Americans voted for it.

Let's hope FJ's scenario plays out over yours, Brooke.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Hoover didn't cause the Great Depression, but he did catch most of the BLAME for it. Roosevelt was able to offer many of the hardest hit a "safe haven" from it's effects via the WPA, TVA, and various infrastructure projects. But what Obama has been doing is providing a "safe haven" from the economic storm for six-figure state bureaucrats (the Porkulus II package). THAT practice MUST come to an end. The economy needs jobs, not extended unemployment benefits. And the only way for jobs to be created is to put a lid on government spending and regulation, and create an economic environment conducive to PRIVATE sector GROWTH, not "stag-nation".

Health care was the WRONG focus for the 1st two years of Obama's presidency. The poor want beer and cigarettes, NOT medicine.

Chateau Robert said...

If the Teaparty people are Terrorists, then I am pleased to be called a Terrorist.

cube said...

The left won't refer to loons who strap on bombs and blow up innocent people terrorists, but they have no problem calling tea party followers "terrorists". How sick is that?