Monday, June 17, 2013

Who wants to have a little fun with the NSA?


Thersites said...

Gonna go blow up the UN now...

Get my virgins ready, Allah!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Brilliant, I won't practice it here. I'm sure your blog gets enough scrutiny already.

Thersites said...

the bomb will explode at 3: 15. Tell all of our people.

Brooke said...

Got it. I'll bring the manure truck and the wiring.

Alligator said...

Brooke, so good to see you back. I was in TERROR that maybe your site had BOMBED, hence your absence. But You are back in true form SIGHTING the politically outrageous in your CROSS HAIRS and ready to STRIKE with pithy parody.