Tuesday, June 20, 2006

PeTA's Coming To Dinner... Hope You're Serving Vegan.

Beyonce Knowles was taken by surprise when Peta came to dinner last Wednesday.

I'm not a Beyonce fan by any means... She's a little too vapid for my tastes. But can you imagine this poor woman, who agreed to do a publicity dinner auction on eBay for fans sitting down to dinner with Peta?

I feel sorry for Beyonce's fans, because Peta basically stole the auction for this sad little publicity stunt, but I feel even worse for Beyonce!

From Yahoo News:

According to a release issued by the organization, the PETA activists were picked up by car and whisked to swanky Manhattan eatery Nobu 57, where they used their time with Knowles to grill her about using fur in her House of Dereon clothing line and in her personal wardrobe.

To break the ice, one activist reportedly began with an appeal to the ex-Destiny's Child singer: "Beyonce, many of your fans would like to know why you don't care about how minks, foxes, and chinchillas are gassed, strangled, and electrocuted for vanity and if you might have it in your heart to recognize that fur is not only cheap and tacky but also horribly cruel."

Video of the conversation, available on TMZ.com, shows a stunned Knowles refusing to respond to the queries and asking others in her group, which included her mother and sister, to do something about her less than welcome guests.

"I don't think people would not like you if you didn't wear fur, you know what I mean? You're so gorgeous, you don't really need to kill animals," one activist persists.

PETA also claims that its fur opponent managed to whisk out a portable DVD player and show the singer footage of animals being trapped, drowned and electrocuted for their pelts.

Eventually, the PETA people were escorted out, despite their claims that they "respect [Beyonce's] work."

*snicker* Respect her work... Yeah, right. This is nothing more than another pathetic bid by Peta to get into the news.

I hope Beyonce ordered the biggest, bloodiest steak on the menu!

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